In 2015, Williamson County established a veteran’s treatment court for the purpose of providing resources and support for veterans accused of low-level crimes. This program assists veterans who struggle with issues like PTSD, or other issues that lead to self-medicating by connecting these individuals with services through the Veteran’s Administration and other service providers. Does...
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Mental health is a complex and delicate issue and one that can vary dramatically by the individual. The set of circumstances that might send one person spiraling into a depressive episode, for example, might not even phase someone with different genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. As such, it’s important to approach these issues with patience and...
You know that breaking the law has consequences. From jail time, to fines, to community service, there are lots of ways that an arrest, followed by a conviction, can have serious repercussions that will affect the rest of your life. Depending on the crime’s classification—misdemeanor or felony—the consequences may vary. Even for what you might...
In recent years, Williamson County has seen a significant movement towards providing treatment when individuals face certain types of crimes, as opposed to just charging them with a crime and seeking jail or prison time. These programs are designed to address the root cause of offenses, instead of jumping straight to punishment that may result...
Today’s criminal justice system suffers from a massive increase in various types of crimes because of an individual’s mental health. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, nearly 2 million people with a mental illness are booked into jail. Nearly 15% of men and 30% of women booked into jails suffer from a serious...
The times they are a-changin’, when it comes to hemp and hemp byproducts in the state of Texas. You’ve probably heard already that as of the end of the most recent legislative session, a new law went into effect that changes the legal status of hemp and CBD products for Texans. House Bill 1325 legalized...
If you’ve been following along at home on big changes in the judicial landscape, you’re probably aware of the February 20th ruling concerning asset forfeiture cases brought by governmental entities. Timbs v. Indiana, the Supreme Court case which started the debate, discussed the excessive fines clause of the Constitution’s Eighth Amendment, and how it may or may...
The state laws regarding marijuana possession and use have been a hot topic in both the Texas Senate and House as another Texas Legislative session draws to a close. Multiple bills have been discussed to amend current laws, and debate has ranged from varying degrees of allowable medical marijuana, to reducing the penalties for being...