Spencer Willmon
Mr. Ver Weire is the absolute best!! Rest assured you’re in good hands with this man. Thank you so much for your help!
- Spencer Willmon
Todd Ver Weire
Representing Individuals Through Difficult Situations In The State Of Texas
25 Years of Experience
You Are Now Facing The Biggest Opponent Of Your Life – The State Of Texas.
Todd Ver Wiere
Representing Clients In Complex Civil Litigation
What’s The Big Deal, Isn’t a Crime A Crime?
Not all crimes are created equal. Not only are they punished differently, some expose you to a fine, some to either a fine or time in the county jail, or both, while others require a fine, prison, or both, they also carry different “collateral” consequences.
For Over 25 Years Todd Represented Individuals, Or Businesses, In State And Federal Court.